Goodbye, Life Fragment

I just lost an important piece of my life: 5 hours. This loss has left me hurt and confused, and I've been lying wide awake, though exhausted, just trying to cope. Some call this "jet-lag," but I call it mourning.

It's 8pm at home, and I'm stuck here in 1am-land keeping vigil for my precious time.

I'm actually already loving everything about this place. I love all the green hills, grey buildings, grey sky, grey sheep, and grey streets. I love everyone I've met so far: the customs man, the policeman, the bus driver, the man who gave me his seat on the bus so I'd have room for my bags, the woman who showed me where my stop was and who carried my 47lb bag off the bus for me, the kid who made my hazelnut latte (It was the best hazelnut latte I've ever had. And I've had a few.), and my precious, most helpful roommate.

Also our flat is the most adorable place ever in the world. I'll have to post pictures.

And I really do like the city sounds and the street light outside my window and hearing our neighbors' laughter and the baby downstairs so very, very clearly... but... it'll take some getting used to.

Okay here's one thing I don't like about this place:



allcedars said...

I am so excited about your being in Scotland!!!! WOOOOOOWWWW. :) I am so jealous. Post pictures soooon!!! PLEASE!

Oh, and i had the same problem in hulu, no ABC news, no nothin'

Karen said...

OH no! No Castle! That is a rough one. But, I bet all the other amazing things about Scotland make up for it :)

So excited for you! And I will enjoy reading about your adventure :)

Unknown said...

BAHA (about the Castle thing :D)

Unknown said...

Also, I like the way you write.

Courtney Patrice said...

Meredith, I'll probably post most of my photos elsewhere as I'm not on an isolated island like you are. :)

Karen, thanks for following! Do you watch Castle too?

Sarah, Thanks. :)