
February is undoubtedly the worst month of the year. I've been saying so for years, and it just keeps proving me right. But can we really reasonably expect more than 11 months out of the year to be good? 11 swell months should be perfectly satisfactory, especially when the only bad one is shorter than all the others.

Maybe I'm speaking too soon, but if the rest of the month continues as these first two days have, February 2011 might be the one exception to this rule.

1 February: lazy day which did eventually include a successful grocery shopping trip, some significant (if a little dull) reading done, and a delightful evening of football

2 February: a morning with children (only briefly before class, but still... children make life nicer), an inspiring (if a little terrifying) lecture, the best ever chicken caesar wrap (at StrEat in Union Square),  nonstressful shopping (the best kind, though rare), more reading

3 February also looks to be promising with a chilled morning of unrushed reading (probably accompanied by hot chocolate), class on Romanticism in the afternoon, and ... perhaps a quiet evening at home meditating on possible dissertation topics?

4 February: Inverness with a photo scavenger hunt adventure created for us by a friend

With such a beginning, the month can't be too bad, right? Such an anomaly must be documented: it may never occur again.

PS: Am I the only one who usually hates February?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like it. Most of my family's half birthdays are this month, and for some reason I like half birthdays better. Less pressure to make it memorable, maybe. And...it's a fun sounding month. Someone always messes up the pronunciation (those damn Rs--it's usually me who screws it up ;D) and that's always a way to make me chuckle. Glad it's going well for you so far.